4912 is where we belong

4912 is where we belong

Frederiksdal Estate is a melting pot of history, traditions and many generations having made their mark on both buildings, the surroundings and local culture. Frederiksdal Estate has spectacular natural surroundings with wide expanses and the coastline in the horizon, with lots of space, peace and quiet. The old oak trees with their deep roots are symbols of a long history of a life lived well. The new plantations with endless rows of Stevns Cherry trees become an image of renewal and that honouring tradition and developing new ones go hand in hand here, continuously adding pages to a long history.

This is where we belong – 4912 Harpelunde!

The Estate is situated on the very Southwestern tip of the island of Lolland in the Southern part of Denmark overlooking the Langelandsbæltet

The story of the Frederiksdal Estate goes back centuries. The splendid white main building was erected in 1756, but the place has a history dating back to around 1305. During this time different royal and noble families have owned the place, among them several visionary entrepreneurs.

The Frederiksdal Estate has been owned by the Krabbe family for three generations. Today it is run by Harald Krabbe, the owner of Frederiksdal Cherry Wine

As well as being the home of the Krabbe family, the main building and the adjoining park are used for a range of activities, meetings, workshops, concerts and festivals.

The more people get to enjoy the beautiful surroundings, the better. Consequently the park is open to the public. The main building and the Winery provide the framework for many tours, wine-tastings and various development projects, particularly focusing on local issues, sustainable farming and, of course, fruit wines.

The Frederiksdal Estate is a place where tradition and innovation mingle and great ideas and projects are born.

Frederiksdal cherry wines